View satellite views of Little Thetford over time.

Since version 5 of Google Earth, users have been able to view historical satellite imagery—if available for the area of interest. I have used this feature to produce a time-lapse video of the seven Google Earth images of Little Thetford available between 1999 and 2008.

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This video has no sound

This Google Earth historical imagery feature is not available within Google maps—just Google Earth. To use this feature yourself, start Google Earth and ensure the status bar is visible (View–>Status Bar–>Ticked) then click the date near the bottom left of the page. A new window appears near the top left of the page where you can slide along all the satellite images available for the area you are viewing. Have fun.

A higher resolution version of the above video can be downloaded here. This 40 GB file may take a long time to download on a slow broadband connection. Google Earth can be downloaded here.

John McCullough
October 2011