Notes on the history of Little Thetford

Compiled by Pat and Mike Petty : February 1981, revised May 2009


Page 1: Introduction
Page 2: Early settlement and Place names
Page 3: Buildings and infrastructure
Page 4: Newspaper clippings: 1778 – 1799
Page 5: Newspaper clippings: 1801 -1899
Page 6: Newspaper clippings: 1900 -1940
Page 7: Ely Deanery Magazine Extracts: 1895 -1896
Page 8: Village people: 19th & early 20th century

Extracts from Cambridge Newspapers: 1778 – 1799

Newspapers have been published in Cambridge for over 200 years. This is some of what the ‘Cambridge Chronicle’ has to report :-
Braham Farm to let with 230 acres, a sheepwalk, right of common to all sorts of cattle, in the occupation of Edward Martin who has rented it for upwards of 40 years. 8th August, p3.
Manor Court. The General Court Baron John Drage Esq. will hold court on Wednesday 7th July at 10 o’clock, at which place tenants of the Manor are required to pay their quit rents in arrears and to be admitted to their copyhold estates and to do other fruits and services. July 3rd, p1.
Robbery. Mr. Pope, a farmer of Little Thetford was returning from market when he was met about half a mile from Ely by three footpads, who robbed him of between thirty and forty shillings and a bottle of rum. December 12th, p3.
Murford’s Yard. Sale of a close pasture ground called Murford’s Yard, being the site of two messuages, the one freehold, the other copyhold of the Manor of Thetford. Lot 2 A closure of pasture ground called West’s Yard with messuage and one right of common belonging to Thetford. Lot 3 A closure of pasture ground called Burnt Yard, being the site of two messuages with two rights of common. November 11th, p3.
Sale of Glebe Lands, intended to be sold for the redemption of the land tax charged upon the said Rectory. Eight acres called Chapple Hill. A common right, arable land in Stone bridge Field, also land in Goldmere and Mill Fields, to be sold free of all land tax and auction duty. May 18th, p4.

Stock sale. Belonging James Green, 10 milk cows, 12 heifers and steers, 14 yearling buds, 1 bull and several horses all in good condition. May 25th , p3.

Sheepwalk. Sale of desirable farm, consisting of messuage and common cottage with all the necessary buildings and 80 acres of rich arable and pasture land, in a high state of cultivation, with a sheepwalk and very extensive commonable rights; in the tenure of Mr. Yarrow, tenant from year to year. August 17th, p2.

Pat and Mike Petty, February, 1981.


These notes were compiled 28 years ago and since then much more information has become accessible. None of this has been included in this reissue of the original pamphlet.

See my website for advice and guidance

Mike Petty, June 2009.