Mobile libraries: Our service for small communities

Mobile Library

Mobile Library

Seven mobile libraries cover all parts of the county not served by branch libraries and offer a very personal service

Our modern spacious vehicles carry a wide range of adult and children’s books, large print and talking books.  All books are issued for four weeks

Mobile libraries usually call either weekly or fortnightly although there are some stops which serve sheltered housing complexes and these are usually visited monthly. The duration of a stop can be up to half a day depending on how busy it is

All mobile libraries have a computer issuing system which means you can use your library card at any mobile or branch library. Books and other items can be requested online and picked up from the mobile library. In addition books from the mobile library can be returned to any library. Conversely books borrowed from a branch library can be returned to a mobile if it is more convenient

To use a public mobile library bring your library card when visiting your nearest stop. You can join online or on the mobile if you bring some proof of address

Cambridgeshire Libraries – Mobile Library Routes

Stops for route B109/B121(S)






1 Sutton Brooklands Centre 10:30 12:30 Weekly
2 Wicken Village Hall 14:00 14:40
3 Upware Upware Road 15:00 15:20
4 Little Thetford Church 16:00 16:35

Stops: Alternate Wednesdays

Next Visits [2010] :

  • April 21
  • May 5
  • May 19
  • June 2
  • June 16
  • June 30
  • July 14
  • July 28