Little Thetford flesh-hook

We are proud to announce that the wikipedia article Little Thetford flesh-hook, an archaeological description of a bronze-age artefact, has been approved for use on the front page of wikipedia at The front page of wikipedia has world-wide reach. The article will appear in the “Did you know?” section of the front page (below the featured article section) for six hours between 07:00 1-July 2010 and 13:00 1-July 2010. The article will appear similar to the following:

.. that the Little Thetford flesh-hook is a late Bronze-age (1000 – 701 BC) artefact discovered in 1929 in Little Thetford, near Ely, Cambridgeshire, England?

Also, see the history section of Little Thetford main article for details of the Anglo-Saxon noblewoman Ælfwaru, our oldest known landowner.

Contact: John McCullough 01353649469

[Update] Here’s the article as shown on Wikipedia on 1 July 2010.

Little Thetford flesh hook on Wikipedias Did You Know section

Little Thetford flesh hook on Wikipedia's Did You Know section