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There will be a village yard sale this Sunday, 30 June 2013.

Around 30 households in the village will be taking part between 10am and 2pm.

Free maps will be available from the Village Hall where refreshments (tea, coffee, cake) will also be served.

Signs have gone up this week and an advertisement has been placed in the Ely Weekly news.

A fire broke out today at Masters Logisitcs in Stretham (See map on Google maps), believed to involve two factory units, with fire crews called out at 13.50. The fire is still in full progress at the time of writing (15.30).

Flames were visible from several miles away, and thick black smoke was visible from at least 10-15 miles away. The acrid smelling plumes were heading North East towards Little Thetford, Barway, Stuntney and Ely.

The A10 was closed between Stretham Roundabout and Station Road, with later closures believed to be extending as far as Ely, with diversions via Wicken and Soham.

Fire services are issuing the following message: “SAFETY MESSAGE: Residents advised to keep doors and windows closed as a precaution.

The fire service has a facebook page with information in which they reiterated in a post at 16.13: ‘This is a threat to public safety so all residents in the Stretham area are advised to close all doors and windows!’.

They go on to say ‘The fire is affecting a single storey factory building measuring approximatley 100m by 40m. There are currently nine crews in attendance at the scene and there are no reports of any casualties.’

Environment Agency officers are already at the scene investigating the environmental impact. In a statement at 16.45 they said “an as-yet unspecified amount of diesel has got into ditches. Fire crews are still on site dealing with the incident and we will contain the diesel spill as quickly as possible.”

At 17.10 fire services stated that they expected that the nine crews in attendance would scale back to four units during the next four hours, and the A10 would remain closed during that time. They also said that three people were treated for smoke inhalation, with one taken to hospital. In the end, the A10 stayed closed overnight as firefighters remained at the scene.

Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue have a great selection of photos on site, on their facebook page.

How did it start? Ely Standard stated on the day of the fire “…unconfirmed reports suggested a trailer at the warehouse blew a tyre which started the fire”. However, since then, Station Commander Martin Brown from Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service said: “The fire started from rubbish burning in an incinerator, which was located outside and to the rear of the premises. The fire then spread to a nearby lorry trailer and then to a warehouse very quickly.

The following pictures were taken from Burying Way, Little Thetford at 3pm (click to enlarge) [Photos by Roger Attrill]. Ely News has more pictures

Location of new recycling centre

Location of new recycling centre

As we reported briefly last month, a brand new state of the art recycling centre at Witchford near Ely will open its doors for the first time at 9am on Thursday 3 November.

The new Cambridgeshire County Council facility will replace the old, small, open air site at Grunty Fen which will close at midday on Wednesday 2 November.

The new centre will open from 9-6, seven days a week with a late night opening until 7pm on Wednesdays to make it even easier for you to recycle.

It will be under cover so you can use it in all weathers, and split-level which means you won’t have to climb steps to deposit your waste.

The centre, which will be run by AmeyCespa on behalf of the County Council, will offer lots of opportunities to recycle everyday household items from paper, glass and plastic bottles, to less commonplace items like cooking oil, paint and electrical goods.

The new facility is part of Cambridgeshire County Council’s drive to offer the best services for local communities and to increase recycling and reduce landfill.

Councillor Mathew Shuter, lead member for Enterprise and Waste at Cambridgeshire County Council, said:

This brand new facility is the first of its kind in the county and we believe it will change recycling for residents in East Cambridgeshire.

Not only will it make recycling more comfortable and convenient, but it will also help residents recycle things like large rigid plastics,
cooking oil and plasterboard. I want to encourage residents to visit the new centre with their recycling and help us reduce waste going to landfill.

Chairman of the local liaison group, Councillor Bill Hunt, said:

I am really pleased to announce the opening of this new recycling centre. The last three years have been a great example of the County Council doing things “with” the local community not “to” them. It speaks volumes for the hard work and commitment of the local community of Witchford, local businesses, local members and officers from the County Council that this fantastic new building is about to open its doors. I’m sure it will make a real difference for the residents of East Cambridgeshire.

You can find out more information on the new recycling centre and what you can do to reduce waste going to landfill, or go to and follow the links.

Michael Judkins, who as many in the village know, is a keen runner, will be taking part in the Royal Parks half-marathon in London on 9th October.

He is very much looking forward to taking part in a running event in London for the first time, particularly as much of the course follows the route of the main annual full marathon.

He is raising funds for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation ( JDRF ), a great cause helping those in the younger age group with type 1 diabetes. The Foundation looks to fund research to get to grips scientifically with the growing incidence of diabetes in children, and the finding of an overall cure for the condition itself.

Michael has established a “Just Giving” page for donations to go towards the financial target he hopes to raise and will be very grateful indeed to those who may wish to support the run in some small way.

A brush with the old vicar

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John Sansom's painting

John Sansom's painting

Remember the evening “A brush with an old vicar” on 15 July 2011? The painting, completed that evening by the Reverend John Sansom, is for sale. The funds raised from this sale will be donated to the Friends of St George’s to help raise money for the roof fund.

Contact Robert Young on 01353649379 for viewing details

Transport problems?

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Do you have transport issues travelling by car, bus, train, plane or ferry?

A new web site, Fix My Transport, launched recently. They aim to assist transport users by helping you report issues; finding the right transport operator to report to; and help collate similar issues so that problems can be resolved more easily.

Little Thetford residents who use the local bus service may like to remember this site.

This site,, sent to us by Kat Dunseath. Thank you Kat.

Dave Fletcher reported some of his finds to us recently. We especially liked five curse tablets, or lead curses, which were found within an area of approximately one acre close to the site of Harrimere Church. Dave has had the large tablet identified by Helen Fowler and two of the small ones by Anne Taylor, both of Cambridge University’s Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology; although none of these suspected Roman tablets has yet been opened.

Read more…

Parish Newsletter

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The latest village newsletter is now online. If you’re in the village – a printed copy should have already come through your door.

Norah Bedford

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Norah Bedford

Nora Bedford

Norah Bedford

Norah Bedford, who recently celebrated her 105 birthday, passed away on Friday 18 March 2011 following a short illness after a fall. A former councillor, school governor and president of the Isle of Ely Federation of Women’s Institutes, Norah had two sons, John and Denis; six grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren. Norah is pictured in this photo of the Little Thetford WI visit to the Wedgewood factory in the 1950’s. Our thoughts are with Norah’s family at this sad time.

Can you help with a Litter Pick around the village on Saturday 9th April 9.30 am.

If yes, please report to the Village Hall Car Park.

Black bags and a supply of equipment will be supplied, but if you can bring gardening gloves, florescent bands or jackets and pickers that would be helpful.

Here’s what we collected after just 1 hour last year:

Litter Pick Results 2010

Litter Pick Results 2010