Little Thetford .net

Information & History of Little Thetford

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Geology of the parish

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We’ve added a new page to the website with a simple animation showing the geology of the parish and the surrounding area. (There’s also a link on the village information page). Just click on the picture or follow the link above to see the animated version.

Geology of the parish

Geology of the parish


See the web site here.


  • 17/10/11 – David McOmish
    ‘Archaeology of the South Downs.‘
  • 21/11/11 – Adam Slater
    ‘Saxon to Medieval Ely – recent Discoveries,‘
  • 16/01/12 – Iain Smith
    ‘Middle Level, Protecting life, property & land.‘
  • 20/02/12 – Kasia Gdaniec
    ‘New Opportunities In Archaeolgy.‘
  • 19/03/12 – John Minnis
    ‘Autopia: Buildings for the Motor Car 1896-1940.‘
  • 21/05/12 – George Jellicoe & Anne Holton-Krayenbuhl
    The Witchford Landscape from Domesday Book to the present. + A.G.M.

School photo 1948

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We’ve added a school photo from 1948 which also has an interactive page so you can see everyone named. Spot the surnames still around the village!

Little Thetford on Wikipedia

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John McCullough continues to do a sterling job on the Little Thetford Wikipedia entry which has now reached Featured Article status. To put this in perspective, less than 1 in a thousand of the millions of articles on Wikipedia actually make it to this stage. He is also involved in lots of other interesting articles.

Managing Volunteers: [Advert]

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Managing Volunteers Training
11th October

Course content includes recruiting, managing, developing volunteers.

It costs £10 or the organisation can become a member
which is a one-off fee of £10 and which
offers free training and advice.

Please contact
for any other information.

Paul Howard took this terrific sequence of pictures of a fox at play in the village (click on the image below to see all five pictures) . The pictures have also been added to the gallery (under Nature).

Fox at play (Paul Howard)

The latest Little Thetford Parish Newsletter (Aug/Sep 2010), is now online.

We have put together a video created from a collection of 230 still photos, showing the construction of the timber framed building behind The Round House over a period of about 5 days at the end of May 2010. Many thanks to David Moss for kindly letting us use his aerial stills.

There is a Little Thetford discussion forum online where our visitors can openly discuss topics about Little Thetford, the parish, the website or anything else you can think of that might be related to the village.

We’d like to invite our website visitors (that’s you!) to use the forum and try it out:

It’s really easy to register – you just need a minimum of a username and an email address of your choice. After entering these details and clicking on the Register button, you’ll get an email a moment later, with a link back to the site, and a password which you can use to log in and post replies and start new topics.

Tip: If you don’t like your password, then after logging in once, you can change it by clicking on your name at the top and then on the Edit button (at the right) to change your profile details.

We look forward to hearing from you on the forum!

We have a fascinating Now-and-Then animated comparison of a view west along Main Street towards Horseshoes – the site of the old Three Horseshoes pub. The scene flips between 1906 and 2010.

Note the large old building on the right, no longer present, and the pond on the left where the village sign is no, but also see how little Horseshoes has changed in over 100 years!

[ Thanks to Bob Young for the older picture and John McCullough for the present day photo. ]