Little Thetford .net

Information & History of Little Thetford

Browsing Posts published by John McCullough

You are encouraged to help get superfast broadband in Cambridgeshire by registering your interest on this web site here (and not just because South East Cambs MP Jim Paice says so!). According to Cambridgeshire County Council, over 7,000 residents and businesses have registered their demand to date

but many more people need to register to show telecoms suppliers the level of demand, which will help to bring better broadband to the majority of homes and businesses in the county by 2015.

Register your support here or send a comment to us from here.

Background: Two out of the six winning exchanges from BT’s Race to Infinity campaign of October 2010 were from Cambridgeshire (Madingley and Caxton).

We recently received the following from one of our readers …

Hello, [I] am currently researching my Pope ancestors, (Henry Pope Born: 1747 in Brundall who married a Mary Shadelowe, but most importantly [I] would love to have any information with regards to his son (Richaard Pope Born: 1787 in thetford, [I] think he was a farmer, and he married a Sarah Russell, [I] would be very grateful for any information you have,

thank you so very much,

kind regards

On receiving the above we did a quick search of the St George’s Church parish registers without success.

Can you help? …

John Parish tells us

… attached are 2 photos of the male Marsh Harrier taken last week. This is the least welcome of the large raptors that we have here as it actively hunts small birds over farmland while the Red Kite and Buzzard are predominately carrion feeders. This birds mate is probably nesting at Wicken Fen. The shots are a bit distant but it is a difficult bird to get close to.

Also attached, photos of a newly fledged Little Owl. Only one seen so far which is a little disappointing.

regards, John

Male Marsh Harrier

Male Marsh Harrier
Photo: John Parish

Marsh Harrier

Marsh Harrier
Photo: John Parish

Little Owl

Little Owl
Photo: John Parish

Little Owl

Little Owl
Photo: John Parish

See also these Little Thetford articles

Comments …

Flag of the United Kingdom

Little Thetford beacon

As part of the Queens Diamond Jubilee celebrations, the jubilee beacon was lit at 10:15pm, Monday 4 June 2012 on the sports field at Little Thetford. Over sixty villagers turned out during an atypical June temperature of 10°C. Some village children even launched eight sky lanterns.

Lighting the beacon

Lighting the beacon

No smoking!

No smoking!

Flag of the United Kingdom

Over 60 villagers!

Launching sky lanterns

Launching sky lanterns

All images in this post © 2012 John McCullough
Comments …

Flag of the United Kingdom

Flag of the United Kingdom

To celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, everyone is invited to a Village Picnic on the field next to the social club. Bring your own table & chairs or rug with your picnic. There will be music, bouncy castle, kid’s races, tug of war and a good game of rounders, all of which is free.

Part of the celebrations is a lighting of a beacon; this will be at a special time of 10:15pm on the 4th June. Visit Diamond Jubilee Beacons to view Little Thetford on the beacons map.

Comments …

All at St Georges Church …

Mike Petty Talk

Mike Petty will be giving a talk on the topic of “Queen Elizabeth II Fenland” on Friday 1st June at 7:30pm at St Georges Church. Tickets £5 including complimentary glass of wine available from John and Ruth on 648819 or Tony and Trish on 649470 or on the door.

Flower Festival

Saturday 2th June 10am – 5pm with cream teas and light refreshments.

Morning praise

Sunday 3rd June at 9:30pm

All proceeds from these events are for the Friends of St Georges Church LIttle Thetford towards the fabric and upkeep of the church.

Comments …

The latest village newsletter is now online. If you’re in the village – a printed copy should have already come through your door.

SD4774 : Marsh Harrier by Dave Green

Marsh Harrier
© Copyright Dave Green and
licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence

John Parish tells us of a Marsh Harrier visiting Little Thetford for the past week. The Marsh Harrier, ours is probably a Western Marsh Harrier (Circus aeruginosus), is seen almost worldwide and is not a threatened bird. It migrates to Africa and hunts small mammals, insects and birds.

Comment from here


Wikimedia commons: eLNuko

The zander (Sander lucioperca) is an eastern European fish introduced into the UK during the 20th century, it is thought, by Francis Russell, 9th Duke of Bedford. In 1878. he reportedly released 23 German zander into the Woburn Abbey lakes. These fish remained local until, in 1963, biologists of the Great Ouse River Authority controversially released 97 small zander into the Great Ouse relief channel. Since then they have spread all over Cambridgeshire and indeed as far as the Severn. The slow moving Cambridgeshire rivers seem to suit these aggressive fish. See Giles, Nick (1993) Fresh Water Fish of the British Isles for more information.

We understand that the zander is favoured by our eastern European population who can sometimes be seen fishing for this delicacy.

John McCullough

Comments …

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Flag of the United Kingdom

This is a reminder that the village will be celebrating the Queen’s diamond jubilee during the long weekend of 2nd through 5th of June 2012. More details of events can be found in the April/May village newsletter.

In March we asked for volunteers to help with the flower arranging for the village contribution to this celebration. I can report that meetings have been held and volunteers have now been allocated their “spots in the church”.

John McCullough

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