Little Thetford .net

Information & History of Little Thetford

Browsing Posts published by John McCullough

Grace Turnbull gave away some photos before she died last year.

Victory in Europe day 12-8-1995 at the village memorial. Present Mr Dickenson, Rev. Riglia, Peter Cockerton and Lady Bulger

Victory in Europe day 12-8-1995 at the village memorial. Present Mr Dickenson, Rev. Riglia, Peter Cockerton and Lady Bulger

Demolition of village post office and shop February/March 1994

Demolition of village post office and shop February/March 1994

Demolition of village post office and shop February/March 1994

Round House March 1994. After old post office and shop demolished

See also our recent request for information.

Grace Turnbull

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We have received an email letter from America about contacting Grace Turnbull’s sons Vernon and Wynford. Can anybody supply the contact details? Grace died in the middle of 2011.

Use the contact queries part of this form to contact us and we will pass on your details.

Lloyd McCullough June 2011

Lloyd McCullough using hands-on British Sign Language at the Touching Art exhibition, Arts Depot, London June 2011

Lloyd McCullough of Little Thetford exhibits his digital artwork in a London gallery between 13 December 2011 and 20 January 2012 supported by the UK charity, Sense. Thirty year old Lloyd, who trained at Anglia-Ruskin University, Cambridge, has Usher syndrome. He has been deaf since birth and is gradually losing his sight. This has not stopped his dedication to a visual art which he produces digitally on specially adapted computer equipment. The exhibition titled Secret Window is at the Reading Room Gallery, 65-66 Frith Street,
Soho, London W1D 3JR which is open Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm.

Photographer Ian Treherne, who has Usher too, joins Lloyd at this two-man exhibition.

See also

Update: 8 December 2011—added link to The Independent article

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The latest village newsletter is now online. If you’re in the village – a printed copy should have already come through your door.

Can you identify the people in this photo and when it was taken? We think two of these people are Cyril and Norah Bedford but who are the others? Click on the photo to see those already identified and follow the instructions to add the names of people you recognise. Thank you in advance for your help.

London Plane Tree, CC BY-SA 3.0

Cyril & Norah Bedford and others unknown date

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Final arrangements have been made today for a tree planting to mark next years Diamond Jubilee.

You may think it a little early but I am told that this is the time of year to plant trees so the Rt. Hon Jim Paice M.P. will be with us next Friday November 4th at around 1pm to plant a London Plane tree on the second section of Holt Fen (see map) opposite the entrance to no 11. You will be very welcome to attend this short ceremony and if you are a member of a local organisation and have the opportunity to make it known among your colleagues please do.

Dress code may be wellies and umbrellas but as it is only a short ceremony don’t let it deter you! The tree has been funded by the Parish Council and we are grateful to our M.P for finding this slot in his diary to ‘plant’ it for us.

Further information if needed from Jenny Staines or Cllr Robert Bullen.

Jennifer Edwards née Dewsbury from Australia has been in touch. She has sent us three old school photographs from the 1930’s showing Nadine Dewsbury.

See these photographs here.

The latest village newsletter is now online. If you’re in the village – a printed copy should have already come through your door.

View satellite views of Little Thetford over time.

Since version 5 of Google Earth, users have been able to view historical satellite imagery—if available for the area of interest. I have used this feature to produce a time-lapse video of the seven Google Earth images of Little Thetford available between 1999 and 2008.

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Pumping station today

Pumping station today

The tale I am about to tell you, that I was told when I was still at school, (I am 75 years old now), is a delightful tale of old Little Thetford in the 19th century. It involves two local old boys of Little Thetford. A farmer called Tharby of Manor Farm (now built over) and the other one Fal Al Taylor, who ran the pumping engine on the River Ouse, just over the main railway line at the end of the village. Both Tharby and Fal Al had been drinking in the “Three Horse Shoes” for several hours (beer was then 2p old money a pint), so you know it was a long time ago. (approx. 150 years).

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