Little Thetford .net

Information & History of Little Thetford

Browsing Posts published by John McCullough

Acoustic guitar player Rick Pilkington and vocalist Chrissy Mostyn are the British contemporary singer-songwriting folk music performers, blackheart. They will be appearing for one night only at the Little Thetford village hall on Thursday 4 August 2011.

  • Doors open 7:30 pm
  • Concert starts at 8:00 pm
  • Tickets £8 from 01353649268.

Listen to blackheart at, on iTunes or follow them on twitter.

New village photos added to the Little Thetford Girls Brigade and the Little Thetford WI articles. These photos are all interactive. If you know anyone in any of the photos, please click the photo and add one or more names.

Rose Bussingham talked to Tony Shaw about her family’s evacuation from London in 1940.

Rose and family  were bombed out of their house in 1940 and they were billeted on a family in Little Downham. Her mother was a widow with six children but only three children came with her. Rose was five years old, her brother Henry was eight and Joy was two. Joy cried a lot and was taken into care. Her father was wounded in the first world war and died of TB in 1937.

In 1941 they were moved to a cottage in Popes Lane, Little Thetford. …

Read more …

In the history of Little Thetford, a name that must be remembered is Mr George “Mucker” Dewsbury, who was born in the 1890’s. I know that he was a sergeant in the First World War. He was in charge of a Vickers Machine Gun. He was 25 old when the war was over.

I was only nine year old when Second World War ended …

Fred Haynes 2011

Read more …

The manuscripts of the St George’s Church Litte Thetford parish registers containing Christenings 1599 – 1894, Marriages 1599 – 1963 and Burials 1599 – 1812 are kept by Cambridgeshire Archives. A typewritten transcript of the records were made in October 1981. Today we release a digital copy of the transcripts by kind permission of the Reverend J. S. Askey, rector of Little Thetford St George between 1974 and 1993.

Click here to see the registers …

Girls Brigade group. We are now meeting at St. Georges Church, Fridays (Term
time) 6-7.30pm and welcoming new members (including boys aged 4-11).

Girls Brigade group.

We are now meeting at St. Georges Church, Fridays (Term time) 6-7.30pm and welcoming new members (including boys aged 4-11).


The Village Hall accounts are posted below:


    School 1982

    School 1982

    We now have interactive versions of all the images on the 1980’s school photographs page. Have fun finding your friends and do let us know what you think.

    We will try and make more of the school photographs interactive. In the meantime, the 1980’s set is complete.

    Update: Old School Photos: 1900’s and Old School Photos: 1950’s now interactive too

    Three new items added to the bygones page …

    Try our new calendar and let us know what you think. If you have an event that should be mentioned in the calendar, do let us know.