Little Thetford .net

Information & History of Little Thetford

Browsing Posts published by John McCullough

The latest village newsletter is now online. If you’re in the village – a printed copy should be through your door by the end of September.

Christmas Fair posterThe Little Thetford school Christmas Fair is on Saturday 5 December 2015 from 2 pm until 4 pm. All are welcome.

Bob Young


It is with deep sadness that we announce the death of Dr Robert “Bob” Young who died peacefully at home with his family on Friday morning, 13 November 2015. Our sympathies are with his family at this time. As founder and committed patron of this web site, Bob will be dearly missed by us all.

The cortège route begins at 10:30 am on Monday 23 November 2015 at The Horseshoes, Little Thetford and travels along Main Street before continuing to the village cemetery. The family has asked those wishing to pay their respects to join them during Bob’s final journey.

The memorial service will be held at St George’s Church, Little Thetford on Tuesday 24 November 2015 at 12 noon.

Scan 1An invitation to the Little Thetford 1st Brigade open evening at St George’s church on Thursday 22 October 2015 6:30 pm to 7:3- pm. Paleontologist Ashley Peas will make a presentation and there will be an exhibition, activities, crafts and refreshments.

The latest village newsletter is now online. If you’re in the village – a printed copy should be through your door by the end of September.

The August/September newsletter is now online. We apologise for the delay in uploading this 🙁

The latest village newsletter is now online. If you’re in the village – a printed copy should be through your door by the end of May.


Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency – a view from the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE)

The CPRE in Cambridgeshire is confronting major development proposals which impact on our market towns, villages and countryside. The demand and location for thousands of new homes and major road schemes could result in the loss of Green Belt, attractive landscapes and some of the country’s best high quality farmland

There has been a huge increase in proposals for renewable energy developments. Whilst CPRE is broadly sympathetic to the need to reduce carbon emissions, we have to respond to vociferous concerns about the impact of on-shore wind turbines and solar farms which have an unacceptable impact on the landscape.

New research by Cambridge Architectural Research and Anglia Ruskin University, commissioned by CPRE, shows current Government policy may be misguided. It suggests we need a massive reduction in our energy requirements if we are to avoid inflicting widespread damage on the countryside. Our Warm and Green report claims energy efficiency has been grossly underplayed in the approach to England’s future energy supply. The report highlights the potentially huge impact of infrastructure on the countryside if old and new homes remain energy inefficient, and illustrates the dearth of funding for improvements, especially in rural areas.

To meet the UK’s carbon targets, one possible scenario would be to plant half of England with biomass crops, build 3,500 new wind turbines and install 8,000 hectares of new solar panels. Researchers based in Cambridge  looked at case studies from across the country to explore barriers to making energy improvements in rural buildings. They found cost, the difficulty of finding skilled installers and payback time were problems too great for many people to overcome.

To ensure progress on reducing our energy demand, the report calls for:

  • A bold national programme to reduce energy and carbon emissions from homes and community buildings
  • The implementation of stronger zero carbon standards for new homes
  • Rural communities to receive a fairer share of funding for energy efficiency.
Existing national programmes have failed to sufficiently reduce energy and carbon emissions. We must instead offer more persuasive and understandable financial incentives for all households. Such approaches would reduce both carbon emissions and energy bills, create jobs and help protect our landscapes.

To find out more about energy efficiency incentives in your area, we suggest you contact your District Council. To find out more about CPRE please e-mail our office at or call 01480 39698.

Article received 15 May 2015

Music marathon 20 June 2015

Music marathon 20 June 2015

May 2015

We cordially invite you to join us on June 20th 2015 for this year’s Music Marathon. We are raising money to install and support internet access to the Church—which is vital for continuing youth work and outreach.

The Music Marathon starts at 9am and continues all day until 7pm, when we will have a ‘grand finale’ followed by a Bring and Share supper. The plan is that there is live music or performance happening continuously throughout the day. With this in mind, we would like to invite you to drop in and contribute to the fun. You can stay for as little or as long as you like! There will be refreshments available all day. It is an informal day and isn’t a concert, just a celebration of live music.

If you would like to take part then please call 01353648819 or drop into St George’s and add your name to the list at the back of the church.

Please pass on this invite to any others who would like to contribute towards this good cause.

Janet Dunseath

9 million bicycles poster

9 million bicycles poster

Visit China in our 9 Million Bicycles event at St Georges Church, Thursday 14 May 2015.