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St George’s Church Grand Christmas Fayre at Little Thetford Village Hall Saturday 1st December. 12pm – 4pm – All welcome. Hot and Cold Refreshments Bacon Butties, Ploughman’s Platter, And Home Made Bread Contest! Tea / Coffee / Cakes

The latest village newsletter is online.

Cream Tea

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On Saturday 15 July starting at 7:30 pm, the Friends of St George’s are holding their “The Big Apple Pie” event. If you like Apple’s or just like the social occasion, come along a listen to folk music by Ann Biggs and Ruth Bramley. If you want to help, contact Tony on 649474 or Jane […]

The latest village newsletter is online.

Sunday 11 December: 5 pm Christingle Service with the school. Everyone welcome to come and make a Christingle and learn the meaning of one. Preacher Rev Julia Chamberlin. Sunday 18 December: 3 pm Carols and readings by candlelight. Preacher Rev Julia Chamberlin and John Marshall. Saturday 24 December: 3 pm Crib Service. Jopin our nativity, the end of the sheep trail! […]

MUSIC MARATHON – Saturday 11th. June at St. George’s Church. Live performance from 9.00 am until 7.00 pm including :- The Band, The Village School, Stretham Singers & Ken Ellis, Bright Flutes, Brigade, Pat Morrison, Humpty Band, Kneale Watson, Miriam Brown, Martin Kenward, Claire McGInley & Michael Justin, Apple Pie, The Rocking Ukuleles, Steve Merrill […]

The latest village newsletter is now online. If you’re in the village – a printed copy should be through your door by the end of March.

The Friends of St George’s present: “BLICK MEAD, The Cradle of Stonehenge?” an illustrated talk by David Jacques, senior research fellow at Buckingham University. Come along and hear David talk about his discoveries at Blick Mead near Vespasians Camp—one of the pivotal places in the history of Stonehenge—at St George’s Church, Little Thetford on Thursday 7th April […]

1st Little Thetford Brigade hosts a weekend of fossils and dinosaurs on Friday 11th March at 7.30 p.m. there will be a presentation by palaeontologist Ashley Pease. On Saturday 12th March we have an exhibition of fossils from 9.30 a.m. till 5.p.m. and a children’s discover and make session from 2 till 4 p.m. (Responsible […]