Little Thetford .net

Information & History of Little Thetford

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Lloyd McCullough of Little Thetford exhibits his digital artwork in a London gallery between 13 December 2011 and 20 January 2012 supported by the UK charity, Sense. Thirty year old Lloyd, who trained at Anglia-Ruskin University, Cambridge, has Usher syndrome. He has been deaf since birth and is gradually losing his sight. This has not stopped his […]

The latest village newsletter is now online. If you’re in the village – a printed copy should have already come through your door.

Final arrangements have been made today for a tree planting to mark next years Diamond Jubilee. You may think it a little early but I am told that this is the time of year to plant trees so the Rt. Hon Jim Paice M.P. will be with us next Friday November 4th at around 1pm to […]

As we reported briefly last month, a brand new state of the art recycling centre at Witchford near Ely will open its doors for the first time at 9am on Thursday 3 November. The new Cambridgeshire County Council facility will replace the old, small, open air site at Grunty Fen which will close at midday on Wednesday 2 […]

Local recycling to move to Witchford. East Cambridgeshires newest recycling centre, the Witchford indoor recycling centre, will open at 9 am on Thursday 3 November 2011. This centre replaces the temporary recycling facilities at Grunty Fen, which closes at midday on 2 November 2011. See this Cambridgeshire County Council article for further details. The building of the Witchford recycling centre […]

Michael Judkins, who as many in the village know, is a keen runner, will be taking part in the Royal Parks half-marathon in London on 9th October. He is very much looking forward to taking part in a running event in London for the first time, particularly as much of the course follows the route […]

A brush with the old vicar

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Remember the evening “A brush with an old vicar” on 15 July 2011? The painting, completed that evening by the Reverend John Sansom, is for sale. The funds raised from this sale will be donated to the Friends of St George’s to help raise money for the roof fund. Contact Robert Young on 01353649379 for […]

Transport problems?

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Do you have transport issues travelling by car, bus, train, plane or ferry? A new web site, Fix My Transport, launched recently. They aim to assist transport users by helping you report issues; finding the right transport operator to report to; and help collate similar issues so that problems can be resolved more easily. Little […]

The latest village newsletter is now online. If you’re in the village – a printed copy should have already come through your door.

Saturday 13 August 2011 commencing at 12:30. Activities include Inflatable activity castles Assault course Laser clay pigeon shooting Wii competitions Pet show judged by resident vet. Commences 12.30 in the social club garden Bar and BBQ Tombola & prize draws Coconut shy Welly wanging Egg chucking Field races Cake stalls Ice creams Refreshments Apple bobbing […]