Little Thetford .net

Information & History of Little Thetford

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Little Thetford flesh-hook We are proud to announce that the wikipedia article Little Thetford flesh-hook, an archaeological description of a bronze-age artefact, has been approved for use on the front page of wikipedia at The front page of wikipedia has world-wide reach. The article will appear in the “Did you know?” section of the […]

We have this super photo of the Little Thetford Village Feast circa 1980 which has just been added to the gallery along with some other pictures of Cowslip Drive in 1995 before the estate was built . If you recognise yourself in the picture and are prepared to be identified, please do let us know! […]

See the article in this weeks Ely Standard, on how Little Thetford gets to keep the red phone box on Main Street.

If you think you’ve got artistic, creative, literary or musical talent – and live in the village – we want to hear from you for our ‘Little Thetford’s Got Talent‘ page!

Thanks to all who helped with the litter pick – it’s amazing how much was found – this below was after just one hour!!

The June/July edition of the Little Thetford Parish Newsletter is out and now online.

We’ve added a photo gallery page for photos of Little Thetford and surrounding parish. We invite people to send in any interesting pictures for us to add to the gallery.

Lt. Thetford Parish Council. Can You Help with a  “Litter Pick” Around the village on Saturday May  29th 10am – 12n If yes, please report to the Village Hall Car Park at 10am. Black bags and a small supply of equipment will be supplied but if you can bring gardening gloves, florescent bands or jackets […]

Did you know you can read the Ely Standard and Ely City Guide online? It seems not everyone gets the Ely Standard weekly paper any more, so here’s a chance to get access to it again, for free. Free registration gets you online access to the Ely Standard weekly paper and the Ely City Guide […]

We’ve added a couple of new items to the archaeology section including some broaches and fishing weights. (see the Archaelogy page) There’s also a local Witchford walk which takes in part of Little Thetford (see the Walks section) We’ve added some audio of Janet Braybrooke – our village post woman singing Don’t cry for me […]