Little Thetford .net

Information & History of Little Thetford

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Well. Not quite, but almost. Plans for the new Octagon Park business complex off Angel Drove in Ely, reaching to the northern border of Little Thetford, are far advanced though there has not yet been planning approval which is scheduled for submission in October 2012. In addition, plans have been approved for the £31m route B […]

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A record number of runners took part in this years Ely Standard Grunty Fen half-marathon and fun-run. There were 800 half-marathon runners and around 100 fun-run runners. Our deaf-blind local artist and green belt Pakua trainee Jamie McCullough, who has Usher Syndrome, was one of the fun-run runners guided by his Pakua master, Rodolfo Oliva […]

The hare coursing season is upon us and we have been asked by the County Constabulary to watch out for and report such activity. The Hunting Act of 2004 made hunting with dogs, including hare coursing, illegal in England and Wales from 18 February 2005. From a recent e-cops newsletter … What to look for! We […]

We are sure you will have noticed the new road signs introduced on 31 August along the 8/10th’s of a kilometre section of the A10 road that passes [Little] Thetford corner. These signs, which order motorists to observe a maximum speed of 50 miles per hour, followed a long period of consultation; almost resulting in the whole […]

We reminded you a few weeks ago to get your entry in by 5 September for this years Ely Standard Grunty Fen half-marathon. Entry is by filling in the form on their web site. As we said earlier, please do tell us if your are entering and send us your photographs. Apologies to the Ely Standard […]

It is not too late to enter this years Ely Standard 22nd Grunty Fen half-marathon which takes place on Sunday 9 September 2012. This event is 2011 page on this web site 2010 page on this web site. Note that it includes a map of the 2010 route. Please check the up-to-date route map on […]

Photographs, sent in by Tony Shaw, of our All The Bells event, Friday 27 July 2012 at St Georges. Tony says [W]e had a good turnout [Friday] morning for the village’s contribution to the ‘All the bells‘ project. We rang the Church bell for the 3 minutes from 8.12 a.m. together with a wide variety […]

1st Little Thetford Brigade ‘All the Bells‘ Ring in the Olympics at St. George’s—Friday 27th July at 8:12 am for three minutes. Do you think you could help with the church bell & the bellplates & any other bells to hand. Meet up just at 8.00 a.m. to take part—bring a friend! Any help would […]

The latest village newsletter is now online. If you’re in the village – a printed copy should have already come through your door.

You are encouraged to help get superfast broadband in Cambridgeshire by registering your interest on this web site here (and not just because South East Cambs MP Jim Paice says so!). According to Cambridgeshire County Council, over 7,000 residents and businesses have registered their demand to date but many more people need to register to […]