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Information & History of Little Thetford

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As part of the Queens Diamond Jubilee celebrations, the jubilee beacon was lit at 10:15pm, Monday 4 June 2012 on the sports field at Little Thetford. Over sixty villagers turned out during an atypical June temperature of 10°C. Some village children even launched eight sky lanterns. All images in this post © 2012 John McCullough […]

To celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, everyone is invited to a Village Picnic on the field next to the social club. Bring your own table & chairs or rug with your picnic. There will be music, bouncy castle, kid’s races, tug of war and a good game of rounders, all of which is free. Part […]

All at St Georges Church … Mike Petty Talk Mike Petty will be giving a talk on the topic of “Queen Elizabeth II Fenland” on Friday 1st June at 7:30pm at St Georges Church. Tickets £5 including complimentary glass of wine available from John and Ruth on 648819 or Tony and Trish on 649470 or […]

The latest village newsletter is now online. If you’re in the village – a printed copy should have already come through your door.

This is a reminder that the village will be celebrating the Queen’s diamond jubilee during the long weekend of 2nd through 5th of June 2012. More details of events can be found in the April/May village newsletter. In March we asked for volunteers to help with the flower arranging for the village contribution to this […]

The latest village newsletter is now online. If you’re in the village – a printed copy should have already come through your door.

To celebrate the “Diamond Jubilee” of Queen Elizabeth II, Little Thetford will hold a “Picnic in the Field“. We are looking for ideas and helpers. Please come along to the meeting on Wednesday 21 March at the Social Club lounge at 8.15pm. Unless signalling distress, the Union Jack should be flown the correct way up. […]

The latest village newsletter is now online. If you’re in the village – a printed copy should have already come through your door.

Edited highlights of the Friends of Little Thetford’s St George’s Church 2011 flower festival video. View or download the video from here … Photographs & video produced by Clive Hayward. If you do download the full video, consider offering a donation to the Friends of St George’s Church. Otherwise contact us to purchase a copy […]

Grace Turnbull

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We have received an email letter from America about contacting Grace Turnbull’s sons Vernon and Wynford. Can anybody supply the contact details? Grace died in the middle of 2011. Use the contact queries part of this form to contact us and we will pass on your details.