Little Thetford .net

Information & History of Little Thetford

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The wayback machine is an archive of the internet that, as of February 2015, contained 452 billion archived web pages. The wayback machine has been automatically archiving the internet since 1996 but specific web pages can be archived manually too. For example, local historian, Mike Petty, has been storing historical documents at the internet archive […]

Bob Young sends us this document which follows a visit by Mac Dowdy to the Horseshoes. Mac suggests that the main part of the house is over 500 hundred years old! OBSERVATIONS ON THE HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENTS OF THE HORSESHOES LITTLE THETFORD 25th July 2013 FRONT ELEVATION. One and half storeys: ground floor with dormers. The sills […]

In our article on The Round House, Past and Present, published in May 2010, we link to “… an interesting account with photographs of [James and Elizabeth Bullman] on ‘James Bullman and his Descendants’ on”. That link is no longer active. We continue to get enquiries from around the world on the Bullman family. […]

We recently received the following from one of our readers … Hello, [I] am currently researching my Pope ancestors, (Henry Pope Born: 1747 in Brundall who married a Mary Shadelowe, but most importantly [I] would love to have any information with regards to his son (Richaard Pope Born: 1787 in thetford, [I] think he was […]

Local historian, Mike Petty MBE, publishes a regular nostalgia column in the Cambridge Evening news. With Mike’s permission, we provide a copy of his 19 March article on Grunty Fen. In the article, Mike discusses the draining of Grunty Fen commencing in 1838—see also The catchwater–drain. Mike might also reveal the location of the infamous Grunty […]

These photos from Phillip Randall show Little Thetford in the early 1900’s from or close to Barway. In the ferry image, Naomi Randall and Alfred Dewsberry are in the boat; Mahala and Arthur Dewsberry are on the bank. Note how wide the river was and the pumping station with chimney. Read more or comment

Grace Turnbull gave away some photos before she died last year. See also our recent request for information.

The tale I am about to tell you, that I was told when I was still at school, (I am 75 years old now), is a delightful tale of old Little Thetford in the 19th century. It involves two local old boys of Little Thetford. A farmer called Tharby of Manor Farm (now built over) […]

We have been examining the census records for the Three Horseshoes through the years 1841 through to 1911 using In 1841, James Markwell aged 30 (c1811-), farmer Sarah Markwell aged 45 (c1796-) Emma Markwell 8 (c1833-) George Markwell 6 (c1835-) Alfred Markwell 4 (c1837-) Albert Markwell 2 (c1839-) Read more … If your are […]

After the success of the Royal Silver Jubilee celebrations held in 1977 at the village school, a group of villagers, lead by Tony Badcock, sought to hold a similar annual event. An open meeting was called and a committee formed under the chairmanship of Leslie Halls to organise a village feast once again. Compiled 2011 […]