Little Thetford .net

Information & History of Little Thetford

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The village feast was held annually in July. Originally it was held in the field known as Camping Close which was situated behind Grey Gables. At the time the field was used by Mr Ralph Kisby, he kept his cattle there. This land now forms the gardens of the houses on the north side of […]

Rose Bussingham talked to Tony Shaw about her family’s evacuation from London in 1940. Rose and family  were bombed out of their house in 1940 and they were billeted on a family in Little Downham. Her mother was a widow with six children but only three children came with her. Rose was five years old, her brother Henry was […]

In the history of Little Thetford, a name that must be remembered is Mr George “Mucker” Dewsbury, who was born in the 1890’s. I know that he was a sergeant in the First World War. He was in charge of a Vickers Machine Gun. He was 25 old when the war was over. I was only nine […]

The manuscripts of the St George’s Church Litte Thetford parish registers containing Christenings 1599 – 1894, Marriages 1599 – 1963 and Burials 1599 – 1812 are kept by Cambridgeshire Archives. A typewritten transcript of the records were made in October 1981. Today we release a digital copy of the transcripts by kind permission of the Reverend J. S. Askey, rector of Little Thetford […]

The photograph is about 1945. At that time two families lived in the Round House before Mr Cox brought it. One was that of Lil Dewsbury (her brother Eric was killed in the First World War at Newville-Vitasse aged 23). The other family were evacuees, the Markhams. Read more …

To mark the 900th anniversary of the Domesday Book, the BBC commissioned one million volunteers from industry and schools to record a snapshot of everyday life in 1986. The resulting BBC Domesday Project was stored on two of the now obsolete Laser-Discs (LV-ROM) and intended to be viewed on the also obsolete BBC Master, an […]

Little Thetford Second World War veteran Corporal William Dickenson, 91, with eleven of his colleagues, was honoured by Cambridge city for a second time at a tribute reception in the Guildhall on Thursday 17 February 2011. The event, hosted by the mayor, Sheila Stuart, was last held sixty-five years ago at a civic reception to honour the […]

The catch-water drain

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The Little Thetford catch-water drain was constructed in 1838. John Parish of Bedwell Hey Farm tells us his great-grandfather was the surveyor. The catch-water drain was completed six years before the 1844 Little Thetford Act of enclosure. Read more…

Along with Bob Young, I will be giving a presentation at the Library, 6 The Cloisters, Ely, Cambridgeshire, CB7 4ZH on Friday 11 February between 10:30 and noon on the subject Little Thetford: Two square miles of history. This presentation is part of Mike Petty‘s regular Fenland on Friday series. Tickets are available at the […]

105 happy active years

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Edwardian centenarian Norah Bedford celebrated her 105th birthday on 27 December 2010. Born in 1905, during the middle of Edward VII‘s reign, Norah now lives in Littleport. A founder member of the Little Thetford social club, Norah has been active in Ely district village matters most of her life. For example, she has been a […]