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Information & History of Little Thetford

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The Friends of St George’s present: “BLICK MEAD, The Cradle of Stonehenge?” an illustrated talk by David Jacques, senior research fellow at Buckingham University. Come along and hear David talk about his discoveries at Blick Mead near Vespasians Camp—one of the pivotal places in the history of Stonehenge—at St George’s Church, Little Thetford on Thursday 7th April […]

1st Little Thetford Brigade hosts a weekend of fossils and dinosaurs on Friday 11th March at 7.30 p.m. there will be a presentation by palaeontologist Ashley Pease. On Saturday 12th March we have an exhibition of fossils from 9.30 a.m. till 5.p.m. and a children’s discover and make session from 2 till 4 p.m. (Responsible […]

You may recall about four years ago that villager David Fletcher reported some of his archaeology finds to us—see “Curse tablets and other finds“. You may also recall that we were very interested in his suspected Roman rolled curse tablet. Since then, David has been busy. We can now report his collection of over 300 […]

Can you help identify the engraving on this stone? This object was found recently on the Little Thetford side of our Bronze Age causeway. According to Dr Robert Young, this calcareous rock has calcite crystals on the reverse side and is not from this area. The flatter face contains an elaborate engraving linked to what […]

We reported two-years ago that the article on our Bronze-Age flesh-hook appeared on the Wikipedia front-page. At that time, we did not have a copyright free image of our flesh-hook to show our readers. A friend of the village, Dr Peter Hoare, kindly took a photograph of our flesh-hook during one of his visits to […]

Dem bones†

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Local Ely researcher Dr Peter Hoare has sent out an appeal to let him examine any Pliosaur bones locals may still own from the 1952‡ find in Stretham. At that time, Cambridge University’s Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences took what bones they wanted from the Ouse River Board excavation; locals were then allowed to help […]

John Parish tells us that this is a “Roman bronze coin of unusual and as yet unidentified type. Emperors head on reverse too corroded to identify”. Edit: We have been told that “this is either a cut down/worn away Antoninianus or a barbarous copy commemorating Claudius II Gothicus after his death AD 270. The reverse is […]

Bob Young points out that the Bronze Roman rams head found in Little Thetford by Dave Fletcher is similar to a bovine head found in Little Thetford by Philip Randall; see pictures below. Both these artefacts are probably votive offerings. Judge the similarity yourself. Comments …

Phillip Randall of Barway showed us some more of his local finds recently. On the right we have a Bronze-Age sky wheel or Celtic sun cross perhaps used as part of pre-Christian sun worship or a symbol of a simple time-keeping instrument. Below we show two views of one of Philips large stone maces. Found […]

Phillip Randall of Barway showed us some of his Barway finds recently. On the left is a deer antler net tool and the rest of the artefacts are flint hand axes. Comments