Little Thetford .net

Information & History of Little Thetford

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Dave Fletcher of Little Thetford showed us some more of his finds recently. At the top is a deer antler tool with a beaker pottery sherd underneath it. There are three flint scrapers and underneath those seven arrow heads. Comments

Dave Fletcher recently found two Roman objects in Little Thetford, a quern-stone and a spindle-whorl. See photographs. The quern is made from grey lava. Similar ones are noted in the Portable Antiquities Scheme as find number SF-82B87 and Bill Wyman in Suffolk. In his 2005 book Treasure Island – Britain’s History Uncovered Wyman records a […]

Villager finds

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A Little Thetford villager has shown us some finds obtained over the years from in and around his back garden. We have suggested to the villager that he should take a selection of these to the museum of Archaeology and Anthropology in Cambridge or perhaps the Ely museum for a professional identification. In the meantime, […]

A rare enamelled cheek piece toggle was found recently in Little Thetford. This piece can be identified by reference to similar finds such as on this one or these. Our circa 1s century BC to 1st century AD toggle is 82 mm long and weighs 45 grams. It is thought these bridle toggles were used […]

The Little Thetford winged chape was found by David Fletcher within an acre of the site of Harrimere Chapel. According to Mike Young, it is a rare artifact. A chape is a metal plate or mounting of a scabbard or sheath. A winged chape is indicative of later European Bronze-Age cavalry warfare. The location of […]

Local archaeologist David Jacques discovered this burnt flint whilst rooting close to the woodpecker chippings in Robert Young’s garden on Sunday, 17 April 2011. Burnt flints have been found all over the area including Soham and Cambourne. Such finds provide evidence of human occupation from the late Neolithic through to the Bronze-Age. It is believed […]

Dave Fletcher reported some of his finds to us recently. We especially liked five curse tablets, or lead curses, which were found within an area of approximately one acre close to the site of Harrimere Church. Dave has had the large tablet identified by Helen Fowler and two of the small ones by Anne Taylor, […]

Geology of the parish

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We’ve added a new page to the website with a simple animation showing the geology of the parish and the surrounding area. (There’s also a link on the village information page). Just click on the picture or follow the link above to see the animated version.

PROGRAM OF EVENTS See the web site here. 2011–2012 17/10/11 – David McOmish ‘Archaeology of the South Downs.‘ 21/11/11 – Adam Slater ‘Saxon to Medieval Ely – recent Discoveries,‘ 16/01/12 – Iain Smith ‘Middle Level, Protecting life, property & land.‘ 20/02/12 – Kasia Gdaniec ‘New Opportunities In Archaeolgy.‘ 19/03/12 – John Minnis ‘Autopia: Buildings for […]

Before Cowslip Drive was built in it’s present form in 1995, an excavation was undertaken by Cambridge Archaeology Unit that uncovered remains showing the site was an Iron Age site and subsequently nearly 2000 years ago, a Romano-British Site. Who would have thought!? If you live n Cowslip Drive, just imagine who might have been […]