Little Thetford .net

Information & History of Little Thetford

Browsing Posts in Village Information

This is Little Thetford WI visit to the Wedgewood Factory in the 1950’s. Can you help put names to faces? Click on the photo for a bigger version. The lady in the 5th row, second from the right is Mrs Bedford who is now 106. If we can get some more names, we’ll put up […]

Geology of the parish

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We’ve added a new page to the website with a simple animation showing the geology of the parish and the surrounding area. (There’s also a link on the village information page). Just click on the picture or follow the link above to see the animated version.

The latest Little Thetford Parish Newsletter (Aug/Sep 2010), is now online.

We have put together a video created from a collection of 230 still photos, showing the construction of the timber framed building behind The Round House over a period of about 5 days at the end of May 2010. Many thanks to David Moss for kindly letting us use his aerial stills.

We have started to produce an interactive map of the parish showing footpaths and points of interest. We hope our visitors will find this of interest. We look forward to hearing what you would like to see added to the map. We’ll be adding information to the map over time, but in particular, we would […]

Local Services

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We’ve started a local services page (under ‘Enterprises’). On this page we will list adverts and details of local services provided by people in the village. So – if you live in the village and can provide a service (whether paid or free) and would like an advert placed there free of charge, do please […]

We have this super photo of the Little Thetford Village Feast circa 1980 which has just been added to the gallery along with some other pictures of Cowslip Drive in 1995 before the estate was built . If you recognise yourself in the picture and are prepared to be identified, please do let us know! […]

For about 3 weeks now, John McCullough who lives in the village has been turning the Little Thetford entry on Wikipedia from something which said little more than ‘Little Thetford is a small village near Ely’ info a fantastic fully fledged referenced article of real encyclopedic worthiness. (Thanks to John for all his hard work […]

The June/July edition of the Little Thetford Parish Newsletter is out and now online.

The latest Little Thetford Parish Newsletter is now online in the Newsletters page under Village Information. For those of you who like to read online or don’t live in the village, then we hope to bring you the newsletter online soon after each publication.