Location of new recycling centre

Location of new recycling centre

As we reported briefly last month, a brand new state of the art recycling centre at Witchford near Ely will open its doors for the first time at 9am on Thursday 3 November.

The new Cambridgeshire County Council facility will replace the old, small, open air site at Grunty Fen which will close at midday on Wednesday 2 November.

The new centre will open from 9-6, seven days a week with a late night opening until 7pm on Wednesdays to make it even easier for you to recycle.

It will be under cover so you can use it in all weathers, and split-level which means you won’t have to climb steps to deposit your waste.

The centre, which will be run by AmeyCespa on behalf of the County Council, will offer lots of opportunities to recycle everyday household items from paper, glass and plastic bottles, to less commonplace items like cooking oil, paint and electrical goods.

The new facility is part of Cambridgeshire County Council’s drive to offer the best services for local communities and to increase recycling and reduce landfill.

Councillor Mathew Shuter, lead member for Enterprise and Waste at Cambridgeshire County Council, said:

This brand new facility is the first of its kind in the county and we believe it will change recycling for residents in East Cambridgeshire.

Not only will it make recycling more comfortable and convenient, but it will also help residents recycle things like large rigid plastics,
cooking oil and plasterboard. I want to encourage residents to visit the new centre with their recycling and help us reduce waste going to landfill.

Chairman of the local liaison group, Councillor Bill Hunt, said:

I am really pleased to announce the opening of this new recycling centre. The last three years have been a great example of the County Council doing things “with” the local community not “to” them. It speaks volumes for the hard work and commitment of the local community of Witchford, local businesses, local members and officers from the County Council that this fantastic new building is about to open its doors. I’m sure it will make a real difference for the residents of East Cambridgeshire.

You can find out more information on the new recycling centre and what you can do to reduce waste going to landfill, or go to www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/environment/recycling and follow the links.