John Parish tells us

… attached are 2 photos of the male Marsh Harrier taken last week. This is the least welcome of the large raptors that we have here as it actively hunts small birds over farmland while the Red Kite and Buzzard are predominately carrion feeders. This birds mate is probably nesting at Wicken Fen. The shots are a bit distant but it is a difficult bird to get close to.

Also attached, photos of a newly fledged Little Owl. Only one seen so far which is a little disappointing.

regards, John

Male Marsh Harrier

Male Marsh Harrier
Photo: John Parish

Marsh Harrier

Marsh Harrier
Photo: John Parish

Little Owl

Little Owl
Photo: John Parish

Little Owl

Little Owl
Photo: John Parish

See also these Little Thetford articles

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