Coursing the hare, Francis Barlow, 1686

Coursing the hare, Francis Barlow, 1686

The hare coursing season is upon us and we have been asked by the County Constabulary to watch out for and report such activity. The Hunting Act of 2004 made hunting with dogs, including hare coursing, illegal in England and Wales from 18 February 2005.

From a recent e-cops newsletter …

What to look for!
We ask you to look for males walking in a line across a field; they usually wear country style clothes or camouflage, but sometimes its jeans and trainers. They will have long dogs (Whippets / Lurcher / Greyhound types) there will be one or more of the dogs; they will be on a slip lead until released after a hare.
Try and see if there is a vehicle with them, this is sometimes left at the road side; the males are dropped off with the dogs then collected further on. The vehicles are usually 4×4’s or cars with 4×4 capabilities, for example a Subaru Forester type but we have caught them in the past in all sorts. We need the make, model and colour and if possible as much of the registration number as you can.

Who and when to call!
All hare coursing in progress, this means that there are dogs and males on land, needs to be phoned to the police on 999.
Any sightings of vehicles occupied with males and long dogs please contact 101.
Or any other information that may be of use on 101 or to your local officer.

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