Jamie McCullough

Jamie McCullough
Photo: © Marilyn McCullough

Jamie McCullough, 31, of Little Thetford has just been awarded his grey belt in the Pa-Kua sword discipline by examiner Falco Riegel from Hamburg, Germany. Two other trainees, Anne-Marie Woolley of Ely and Gerry Sutcliff of Southery, also gained their grey belts today. Master Rodolfo Oliva confirmed to us that these are the first three such awards in this discipline in the United Kingdom.

Jamie, who has Usher Syndrome; is deaf and is losing his sight, has been Pa-Kua sword training since 2010. He also took up running this year and joined the runners in the Ely Standard Grunty Fen fun run in September. Rodolfo is encouraging Jamie to try a 5 km run next.

Rodolfo Oliva teaches Pa-Kua sword classes in Cambridge and Ely. See Where, when and fees for details.

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Ely Pa-Kua class: Jamie–far left; Rodolfo and Falco–middle; Gerry and Anne-Marie–far right

Ely Pa-Kua class: Jamie–far left; Rodolfo and Falco–middle; Gerry and Anne-Marie far right
Photo: © Marilyn McCullough