In our article on The Round House, Past and Present, published in May 2010, we link to “… an interesting account with photographs of [James and Elizabeth Bullman] on ‘James Bullman and his Descendants’ on”. That link is no longer active.

We continue to get enquiries from around the world on the Bullman family. For example, the most recent from Lorraine, their great great great great granddaughter from Australia, who is “a direct descendant of James and Elizabeth Bullman”. Lorraine would like to find out more about [the Bullman’s] and asks if anyone has any photos.

As always, we would be delighted to pass on any enquiries though if anyone knows where the excellent family tree has gone (, please do let us know.

For all family history researchers, do examine the transcripts of the Little Thetford St George’s Church parish records.

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