Gus Pretorius during training.

Gus Pretorius during training.

Enterprising Gus Pretorius of The Wyches, Little Thetford, has worked in Information Technology (IT) for most of his life. At 47 Gus decided that he no longer enjoyed sitting behind a desk every day and getting paid only for using his brain and fingers. He reduced his IT work to four days a week in July 2012 so that he could work as a gas engineer for the fifth day of each week. Gus first qualified to install and service oil boilers because, he says “Our village uses oil and it made sense to do some work while I continued my gas training”.

At the end of November 2012 Gus resigned from his IT employment. Gus is now self-employed and registered with OFTEC (oil) and also Gas Safe. He is qualified to install and service gas boilers, gas fires and cookers.

Gus can be contacted via his web site Ely Central Heating Services.

The attached photo shows Gus during his training where he is setting the gas burner pressure of a newly installed boiler so the gas is burned correctly without producing dangerous carbon monoxide.

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