Bob Young discovered today that BT can offer him fibre to his home. This means that most premises in Little Thetford should be able to get superfast broadband now, at least from BT.

You may recall that in February last year we wrote that BT had signed a deal with Cambridgeshire County Council to provide 90 percent of Cambridgeshire homes with superfast broadband by 2015. See the article here. It appears that, according to Connecting Cambridgeshire – Cabinets now in service, superfast broadband went live in Little Thetford on 23 March 2014. Check your own availability using BT (Can I get fibre broadband) but at the time of writing, superfast broadband should be available from BT, at least to most premises in Little Thetford.

At the time of writing, only BT offered superfast broadband to my premises in Little Thetford. When I checked, none of Sky Broadband, Talk-Talk nor Virgin Media were offering superfast broadband to my own premises.

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Edit: 22 April 2014. According to Connecting Cambridgeshire, the Little Thetford area champions areĀ Ann Wardle and Sandra Thompson. Thank you both for promoting Little Thetford so successfully. Connecting Cambridgeshire also tell me that EE, Plusnet and Primus Saver are now offering fibre service to Little Thetford. Connecting Cambridgeshire have asked me to point out their article How to Get superfast broadband. Do let us know how you get on.