The wayback machine is an archive of the internet that, as of February 2015, contained 452 billion archived web pages. The wayback machine has been automatically archiving the internet since 1996 but specific web pages can be archived manually too.

For example, local historian, Mike Petty, has been storing historical documents at the internet archive for a while now. We list below some of Mike’s stored documents …

Some internet systems, Wikipedia as an example, maintain their own archives, so there is no need to store such systems in the wayback machine. The first version of Wikipedia’s Little Thetford article was created on 14 September 2008 and looked like this: Little Thetford (2008). In February 2010 someone added to that article in a derogatory manner: Little Thetford (2010). The article was promoted to featured article status on 27 July 2010 and looked like this at the time: Little Thetford (2010). The article looks like this today: Little Thetford.