Little Thetford .net

Information & History of Little Thetford

The village feast was held annually in July.

Originally it was held in the field known as Camping Close which was situated behind Grey Gables. At the time the field was used by Mr Ralph Kisby, he kept his cattle there. This land now forms the gardens of the houses on the north side of the Wyches. Later, the feast moved to Cranwells field on the opposite side of the Wyches. This land is now built on with the Cowslip Drive development, which appropriately contains Cranwells Way.

Pictures below show large attendances with a marquee in the background. Events included a sports day and there were side shows and other stalls. Bert Russell remembers that there was bowling for a live pig and that Selwyn Cross ran the roll-a-penny stall. Ice cream was also available.

We have no evidence of a competitive show but, given the size of the marquee, it is possible that it housed one.

The Feast ceased at the outbreak of the second world war.

2011. Prepared by Tony Shaw. Transcribed by Judith Young.

Some images of the Little Thetford Feast of 1925.

Feast 1925: The show committee & Judges

Feast 1925: The show committee & Judges

Feast 1925: The show

Feast 1925: The show

Feast 1925: The show & sports

Feast 1925: The show & sports

Feast 1925: The band

Feast 1925: The band

Feast 1925: Dressing up

Feast 1925: Dressing up

Feast 1925

Feast 1925


The latest village newsletter is now online. If you’re in the village – a printed copy should have already come through your door.

Saturday 13 August 2011 commencing at 12:30.

Activities include

  • Inflatable activity castles
  • Assault course
  • Laser clay pigeon shooting
  • Wii competitions
  • Pet show judged by resident vet. Commences 12.30 in the social club garden
  • Bar and BBQ
  • Tombola & prize draws
  • Coconut shy
  • Welly wanging
  • Egg chucking
  • Field races
  • Cake stalls
  • Ice creams
  • Refreshments
  • Apple bobbing
  • Beat the goalie

St George's Church

St George's Church (Clive Hayward)

Edited highlights of the Friends of Little Thetford’s St George’s Church 2011 flower festival video.

View or download the video from here …

Photographs & video produced by Clive Hayward. If you do download the full video, consider offering a donation to the Friends of St George’s Church. Otherwise contact us to purchase a copy of the DVD.

caroline furlong vicky hunt Marilyn McCullough Barbara Harlow Marilyn McCullough Image Map

Ely Art Society summer exhibition 11 am – 5.30 pm between 8 – 21 August at the Hayward Theatre, Kings School, Ely, CB7 4DB.

If you live locally, please click here to download and print an A4 pdf version then display it prominently in your window to support the society.

New members welcome. Pick up an application form at the above exhibition. Just ask a steward. Alternatively, come along to any of the monthly meetings which are held in the hall at Ely Methodist Church, Chapel Street. Access to the hall is easier from St Mary’s car park. Artist demonstrations form the bulk of the monthly meetings which are on the second Friday of every month 7.30 pm—9.30 pm. Annual membership fee is £25 per year. Visitors £5 per visit.

Dear All

You will have seen in the last copy of the Village Newsletter an article about producing “A Vision for Little Thetford” a part of the development plan for East Cambs. District Council. This is a reminder that it needs to be completed and submitted by 18 July.

The reason I am urging people to complete this is that it is a timely opportunity to make a point about the A10 junction and any other issues you wish to make. Paper copies are available so if you know someone who would rather complete it this way please get them to make contact with East Cambs. District Council (Tel 665555).

It is an on line document on the East Cambs Website – On their home page select L from the alphabetical list at the top then scroll down to Local Development Framework – open that and then scroll down to Little Thetford Village Vision open it & complete the online questionnaire or you can print a paper copy (PDF file – questionnaire) and post it.

Thank you

Jennifer Staines

From the Newsletter …

Help to produce a ‘Vision’ for your village. East Cambridgeshire District Council is looking for your views on how Little Thetford should change or improve in the future. A questionnaire will be available for people’s comments from 27 June 2011. Comments should be returned by 18 July 2011. See village newsletter for details.

Acoustic guitar player Rick Pilkington and vocalist Chrissy Mostyn are the British contemporary singer-songwriting folk music performers, blackheart. They will be appearing for one night only at the Little Thetford village hall on Thursday 4 August 2011.

  • Doors open 7:30 pm
  • Concert starts at 8:00 pm
  • Tickets £8 from 01353649268.

Listen to blackheart at, on iTunes or follow them on twitter.

New village photos added to the Little Thetford Girls Brigade and the Little Thetford WI articles. These photos are all interactive. If you know anyone in any of the photos, please click the photo and add one or more names.

Rose Bussingham talked to Tony Shaw about her family’s evacuation from London in 1940.

Rose and family  were bombed out of their house in 1940 and they were billeted on a family in Little Downham. Her mother was a widow with six children but only three children came with her. Rose was five years old, her brother Henry was eight and Joy was two. Joy cried a lot and was taken into care. Her father was wounded in the first world war and died of TB in 1937.

In 1941 they were moved to a cottage in Popes Lane, Little Thetford. …

Read more …

In the history of Little Thetford, a name that must be remembered is Mr George “Mucker” Dewsbury, who was born in the 1890’s. I know that he was a sergeant in the First World War. He was in charge of a Vickers Machine Gun. He was 25 old when the war was over.

I was only nine year old when Second World War ended …

Fred Haynes 2011

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