Little Thetford .net

Information & History of Little Thetford

We have started to produce an interactive map of the parish showing footpaths and points of interest. We hope our visitors will find this of interest. We look forward to hearing what you would like to see added to the map.

We’ll be adding information to the map over time, but in particular, we would love to get photographs to show at points along the parish footpaths, so if anyone with a digital camera who uses the footpaths can help out by sending us pictures (photos at littlethetford dot org) and tell us exactly as possible where they were taken, that would be fantastic!


Interactive Parish Map

Interactive Parish Map

Before Cowslip Drive was built in it’s present form in 1995, an excavation was undertaken by Cambridge Archaeology Unit that uncovered remains showing the site was an Iron Age site and subsequently nearly 2000 years ago, a Romano-British Site. Who would have thought!?

If you live n Cowslip Drive, just imagine who might have been wandering around your living room 2000 years ago!

Read the following page on this site to find out more.

Cowslip Drive archaeological dig before building in 1995

Cowslip Drive archaeological dig before building in 1995

The Ely Standard reports today that a tree planted in Ely’s Jubilee Gardens in memory of Little Thetford resident Ken Pease has been found at the weekend snapped in two – and not for the first time it seems. Ken died aged 18 in 1986 after contracting a rare form of meningitis.

See the Ely Standard (1 July edition, top of page 5) for more information.

Little Thetford flesh-hook

We are proud to announce that the wikipedia article Little Thetford flesh-hook, an archaeological description of a bronze-age artefact, has been approved for use on the front page of wikipedia at The front page of wikipedia has world-wide reach. The article will appear in the “Did you know?” section of the front page (below the featured article section) for six hours between 07:00 1-July 2010 and 13:00 1-July 2010. The article will appear similar to the following:

.. that the Little Thetford flesh-hook is a late Bronze-age (1000 – 701 BC) artefact discovered in 1929 in Little Thetford, near Ely, Cambridgeshire, England?

Also, see the history section of Little Thetford main article for details of the Anglo-Saxon noblewoman Ælfwaru, our oldest known landowner.

Contact: John McCullough 01353649469

[Update] Here’s the article as shown on Wikipedia on 1 July 2010.

Little Thetford flesh hook on Wikipedias Did You Know section

Little Thetford flesh hook on Wikipedia's Did You Know section

We’ve just added a page about the progress of the Barn Owls on Bedwell Hey Farm. However, it’s not all good news – cat owners – can you help? If your cat is bringing in uneaten mice – please see the details on the page above.

Local Services

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We’ve started a local services page (under ‘Enterprises’). On this page we will list adverts and details of local services provided by people in the village.

So – if you live in the village and can provide a service (whether paid or free) and would like an advert placed there free of charge, do please contact us – we know how much the people of the village like to ‘keep it local’ if they possibly can! Plus we get lots of visitors to the website from outside the village too!

Here’s the first ad we’ve placed there (click to enlarge):

John McCullough can help you with your computer

John McCullough can help you with your computer

We have this super photo of the Little Thetford Village Feast circa 1980 which has just been added to the gallery along with some other pictures of Cowslip Drive in 1995 before the estate was built .

If you recognise yourself in the picture and are prepared to be identified, please do let us know! We think most of the village was there!

Village Feast circa 1980

Village Feast circa 1980

For about 3 weeks now, John McCullough who lives in the village has been turning the Little Thetford entry on Wikipedia from something which said little more than ‘Little Thetford is a small village near Ely’ info a fantastic fully fledged referenced article of real encyclopedic worthiness. (Thanks to John for all his hard work – I think he’s enjoyed it immensely actually!).

[June 22nd] The Little Thetford article on Wikipedia has been given Good Article status. At the time of writing, there are only 89 places in the whole of Europe that have Good Article status. Little Thetford sits comfortably and proudly between Greater Manchester and London!

John has also written an account of how it all came about.

Little Thetford on Wikipedia

Little Thetford on Wikipedia

See the article in this weeks Ely Standard, on how Little Thetford gets to keep the red phone box on Main Street.

If you think you’ve got artistic, creative, literary or musical talent – and live in the village – we want to hear from you for our ‘Little Thetford’s Got Talent‘ page!