Little Thetford .net

Information & History of Little Thetford

The wayback machine is an archive of the internet that, as of February 2015, contained 452 billion archived web pages. The wayback machine has been automatically archiving the internet since 1996 but specific web pages can be archived manually too.

For example, local historian, Mike Petty, has been storing historical documents at the internet archive for a while now. We list below some of Mike’s stored documents …

Some internet systems, Wikipedia as an example, maintain their own archives, so there is no need to store such systems in the wayback machine. The first version of Wikipedia’s Little Thetford article was created on 14 September 2008 and looked like this: Little Thetford (2008). In February 2010 someone added to that article in a derogatory manner: Little Thetford (2010). The article was promoted to featured article status on 27 July 2010 and looked like this at the time: Little Thetford (2010). The article looks like this today: Little Thetford.

The latest village newsletter is now online. If you’re in the village – a printed copy should have already come through your door.

Chain ferry

Comments off

Barway Mill chain ferry
Mrs Carolyn Harrod of Snettisham, Norfolk, who previously lived in Barway, sent this photograph of the chain ferry that crossed from Barway Mill to Little Thetford.

This photograph always hung in the snug of The Bull Pub in Barway.

A resident in Barway told her that the two boys sitting on the Little Thetford bank were the Drewsbury brothers who were both sadly killed during the Great War.

The latest village newsletter is now online. If you’re in the village – a printed copy should have already come through your door.

Little Thetford WI

Monthly meetings of the Little Thetford Women’s Institute are held on the first Monday of the month (except where indicated in the programme), at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall.

Visitors are welcome to attend any meeting at a cost of £3 (limited to two per year).

There is a raffle every month and often a quiz.

President: Christine Bullen, 01353649268
Secretary: Sarah Shea-Simonds, 07725575494
Treasurer: Diane Hopkins, 07880694198
Programme Secretary: Hilary Downes, 01353649471

See also our article, Little Thetford WI.

NFWI and Federation web site:

5 January Discussion with wine An evening at Susan’s house
2 February Shoes and handbags Talk: Claire Ashmeade
2 March The Anglo-Saxons at West Stow Talk: Kim Smith
30 March The fascinating world of mushrooms and toadstools Illustrated talk: Jonathan Revitt
27 April How to make a fabric flower Demonstration: Lesley Partridge (cost £1.80 p/p)
1 June The history and work of The Royal School of Embroidery Illustrated talk: Jane Hipkin
6 July Lakenheath Airbase Illustrated talk: title and speaker to be confirmed
3 August Next year’s programme (please give ideas to Hilary/Christine in advance) At Hilary’s house
7 September The art of covering boxes Demonstration: Barbara Redman
5 October Theatrical make-up OPEN EVENING Demonstration: Chris Clarke (6 volunteer models required)
2 November The history of chocolate Talk: Sarah Fowler (Chocolate will be for sale)
7 December To be decided

Helen Dewey's poppies

Helen Dewey’s poppies

The recent flower festival was well attended. There is a report in the October / November 2014 parish newsletter. We set out below some of the images. If you have any better images, please do send them to us.

You may recall about four years ago that villager David Fletcher reported some of his archaeology finds to us—see “Curse tablets and other finds“. You may also recall that we were very interested in his suspected Roman rolled curse tablet. Since then, David has been busy. We can now report his collection of over 300 curse tablets found in and around Little Thetford. Great work David!

The latest village newsletter is now online. If you’re in the village – a printed copy should have already come through your door.

The Friends of Little Thetford St George’s Church flower festival will be held over the weekend 20–21 September 2014.

This will be a major village event as we commemorate the start of World War 1 in a thoughtful and dignified way. We hope that you will be able to support us. We will be open between 10.00 and 5.00 on the Saturday and 11.00 and 4.00 pm. on the Sunday.

Mike Petty will be with us in the Church on the Saturday evening at 7:30 pm to give another of his wonderfully entertaining talks, as he explains just what the conflict meant to small fenland communities like ours. Tickets are £5.00 to include a glass of wine and will be available from the Drewrys (648819) or the Shaws (649470).

Finally at 6.00 pm. on the Sunday evening we will hold a service in the Church, led by the Rev. John Sansom, when the refurbished plaque, now with its full compliment of names, will be rededicated—see the Ely Standard article here: First World War plaque set to be re-dedicated at village church. We look forward to seeing you there.

See also St George’s Church 2011 flower festival.

The latest village newsletter is now online. If you’re in the village – a printed copy should have already come through your door.