The village feast was held annually in July.

Originally it was held in the field known as Camping Close which was situated behind Grey Gables. At the time the field was used by Mr Ralph Kisby, he kept his cattle there. This land now forms the gardens of the houses on the north side of the Wyches. Later, the feast moved to Cranwells field on the opposite side of the Wyches. This land is now built on with the Cowslip Drive development, which appropriately contains Cranwells Way.

Pictures below show large attendances with a marquee in the background. Events included a sports day and there were side shows and other stalls. Bert Russell remembers that there was bowling for a live pig and that Selwyn Cross ran the roll-a-penny stall. Ice cream was also available.

We have no evidence of a competitive show but, given the size of the marquee, it is possible that it housed one.

The Feast ceased at the outbreak of the second world war.

2011. Prepared by Tony Shaw. Transcribed by Judith Young.

Some images of the Little Thetford Feast of 1925.

Feast 1925: The show committee & Judges

Feast 1925: The show committee & Judges

Feast 1925: The show

Feast 1925: The show

Feast 1925: The show & sports

Feast 1925: The show & sports

Feast 1925: The band

Feast 1925: The band

Feast 1925: Dressing up

Feast 1925: Dressing up

Feast 1925

Feast 1925
