Amber brooch about 1 inch across. Victorian or older?

Amber brooch about 1 inch across. Victorian or older?

A Little Thetford villager has shown us some finds obtained over the years from in and around his back garden. We have suggested to the village that he should take a selection of these to the museum of Archaeology and Anthropology in Cambridge or perhaps the Ely museum for a professional identification. In the meantime, if you can help identify one or more of these artefacts our villager would, we are sure, appreciate it. The villager does not wish to be named. However, should you wish to know who this is, please do ask using the comment form below.

EDIT April 2012: Richard Ashford tells us that “One of [the coins] looks like a Dutch Counting Token/Jeton which is a 1586-1635 Hans Krauwincel II Rose orb Jeton normally inscribed HANNS KRAVWINCKEL IN N minted in Nuremburg. Better picture and description can be found on the UKDFD Ref 12931

Beads of various ages. We think the blue one may be Saxon?

Beads of various ages. We think the blue one may be Saxon?

Coins and spoon. Obverse

Coins and spoon. Obverse

Coins and spoon. Reverse

Coins and spoon. Reverse

Modern or older tunic buttons?

Modern or older tunic buttons?

Lead curse?

Lead curse?

Stone practise shot?

Stone practise shot?

Tooth and bone from what animal?

Tooth and bone from what animal?

If you can identify the age or anything about these artefacts, do please let us know below.