Notes on the history of Little Thetford

Compiled by Pat and Mike Petty : February 1981, revised May 2009


Page 1: Introduction
Page 2: Early settlement and Place names
Page 3: Buildings and infrastructure
Page 4: Newspaper clippings: 1778 – 1799
Page 5: Newspaper clippings: 1801 -1899
Page 6: Newspaper clippings: 1900 -1940
Page 7: Ely Deanery Magazine Extracts: 1895 -1896
Page 8: Village people: 19th & early 20th century

Ely Deanery Magazine Extracts 1895

The enlargement of the classroom and cloakroom of Thetford, with improved ventilation, will cost about £70. This sum will nearly be met by the annual grant. This work will be commenced next month. The contract has been accepted by Mr. G. Morriss of Ely.

The annual visit of Cannon Stokes, the religious inspector of schools, took place on the 11th of March. This report of the Thetford school continues to be encouraging, and is as follows: ‘These children have been thoroughly taught and appear to take a great interest in their work. They passed an admirable examination in every way. Singing good. The school is reported excellent.’

Walter Driver and Lois Yarrow were re-elected Churchwardens, Easter 1895.
Mothers’ Union. It has been suggested that in the course of the summer, a branch of the mothers Union in the Diocese of Ely should be formed in the two parishes of Thetford and Stretham. It will be well to state that the object and aim of this society are –

  1. To uphold the sanctity of marriage
  2. To awaken in mothers of all classes a sense of their great responsibility in their training of their boys and girls
  3. To organise in every place a band of mothers who will unite in prayer, and seek by their own example to lead their families in purity and holiness of life

No one can doubt the great need of such a society, after witnessing its successful efforts on behalf of Christian mothers in several parishes in the Diocese.

The work of enlarging the classroom and cloakroom will commence in the course of a few days. Accommodation will be provided for the infants in an adjoining cottage during the carrying out of this work.

Parochial Tea. This was only thinly attended owing to many being very busy in getting in the hay. We must try and select a better day and a later hour for this annual gathering, which is always associated with our Thetford Sunday School Treat.

Horticultural Show and Village Sports. This took place on Tuesday, July 23rd. The show of vegetables, fruits and flowers was good in quality and greatly increased in size. The village sports were witnessed by a very large assemblage, and seemed to give great pleasure to all the lookers-on, and happily gave satisfaction to all who contributed to this annual entertainment.

A Continuation School is to be opened for two nights in the week, conducted by the Rector, Rev. R. M. Williams and Mr. James. Subjects taught: Reading, Writing, Elementary Science of Agriculture and Arithmetic. Technical classes are also to be formed on Wednesday evening. For men – carpenters’ work. For women – dressmaking.
Ely Deanery Magazine Extracts 1896
Inspector’s Report. The following is a summary of the Inspector’s report on the Thetford School with amount of grant received on the 10th of January :-

‘This school which was very well instructed last year, has suffered from the loss of an excellent mistress, but is still well taught and in good order. Mental work is rather poor. Handwriting deserves praise. The children are in good order, but might perhaps be managed more gently. Infant Class :- The infants are well taught and managed. The enlargement of the classroom is a great advantage. The average attendance for last year was sixty-one. Amount of annual grant – £68/8/6. The amount of fee grant £30/10s. Our present mistress has sent in her resignation for April 2nd on account of her health. We sincerely hope this little school will continue to attain the past favourable report of Her Majesty’s Inspector. The present salary of the mistress is £65 a year with furnished house.’

Account of Thetford Clothing Club for the year.

£ s d
Weekly payments from members
4 2 4
Contributions – Cannon Cockshott
6 0
Arthur Pledger
4 6
4 12 10
£ s d
Mr. Pledger’s bill for clothing 4 12 10
Scarlatina. In consequence of this at Thetford, the Medical Officer for the County has ordered the school to be closed from Thursday, February 13th, and not then to opened until he has certified that all fear of infection has been removed. We cannot doubt that there is great need of careful attendance to the instruction conveyed by the Ely District Council, if we want to get rid of the slight epidemic with which the children are now visited. The school itself is pronounced to be in a perfectly sanitary condition. All that we have to attend to has been plainly set before us by the officer of the local authority.

New Mistress. We hope our new mistress, Miss Edwards will enter on her charge of Thetford School whenever it is opened.

Scarlatina Abated. We are thankful to report that the scarlatina has abated in Thetford. The school was re-opened after being closed for upwards of three weeks, on Monday March 9th, The new mistress, Miss Edwards, has hard work before her in bringing back the school to its former efficiency. We are glad that the result of the Religious Inspection by Cannon Stokes was encouraging.
Thetford Play-ground Account

£ s d
Balance in hand March 25th 1895
3 61/2
Letting of herbage and old playground
5 17 6
£ s d
Yearly rent of present playground
2 0 0
Repairs to parish pump
9 6
Rates and taxes
19 10
Cutting weeds
3 0
Balance in hand, March 25th 1896
2 8 81/2
6 1 01/2
Technical Instruction. A course of technical instruction on laundry work will be given in the school. We anticipate much good from this course of instruction. We hope that the morning class for girls of eleven years old and upwards and the afternoon class for women, will result in a great improvement in the art of washing and laundry work in general. A desire has been expressed to receive lessons on the art of rearing poultry. If our means will allow of it we shall endeavour to supply them.
Evening School Report. The following is the report of the evening school: This little school has been well attended, and satisfactory progress has been made, especially in reading and writing. Mr. Hazel, who has contributed much to this entertainment, purpose shortly leaving the neighbourhood. His removal will be missed.
Church Army Van. This Van with its officers, visited this parish on Monday, October 13th to the 18th . The services were held in the schoolroom, and were well attended each night of the mission. The room at times was filled to overflowing. The lantern services were especially appreciated. A large quantity of useful books were sold. The officers received substantial sympathy from many who attended the services.

Pat and Mike Petty, February, 1981.


These notes were compiled 28 years ago and since then much more information has become accessible. None of this has been included in this reissue of the original pamphlet.

See my website for advice and guidance

Mike Petty, June 2009.