Runner running rapidly*

Runner running rapidly*

It is not too late to enter this years Ely Standard 22nd Grunty Fen half-marathon which takes place on Sunday 9 September 2012. This event is chip-timed. The organisers are accepting on-line entries only this year. Entries must be received by Wednesday 5 September 2012. Fill in your entry here.

Please do let us know (comment below) if you will be entering this year and we would really appreciate your photographs of this event. Send them to us here.

Would you be willing to display the poster? If so, download it from here (PDF) then print it.

See also
2011 page on this web site
2010 page on this web site. Note that it includes a map of the 2010 route. Please check the up-to-date route map on the official site.
Ely Runners – a community amateur sports club
Ely Standard 22nd Grunty Fen half-marathon and 1 mile fun run

*Photograph: Copyright © 2003 John McCullough. Some rights reserved. A version of this image first published on Flickr Oct 2006 with the following caption: “New York marathon, 2003. Jenny Crain was the second U.S. finisher, placing 16th overall in 2:38:49. Look at the skin wrinkling on her knee!”