Little Thetford and the Great War : 1914 – 1918

Compiled by Bob Young

We moved to Little Thetford in the summer of 1986. Immediately my wife, Judy, became involved with St. George’s Church. I am encouraged to go along to the more important services or when we had to present at the church. Often during Rev. John Askey’s sermons my mind and eyes wandered. They often centred on the First World War Memorial. I wondered how a small village like Little Thetford, population 209 in the 1911 Census, could lose so many men – 10 or 5% of its population. Later I discovered two more war dead on the Memorial in the village cemetery, and another one in the old newspapers and on the memorial in Ely Cathedral – 13 or 6% of the total population.

Since 1986 I have been compiling information from the War Grave Commission, the Roll of Honour, the ‘Cambridgeshire Collection of the County Library, Regimental Museums (especially Mr Charles Shropshire of the Suffolk Regimental Museum), Church Records, and local residents of Little Thetford, all of whom I thankfully acknowledge.

I discovered that one of the war dead lived in the Round House, opposite my house, and others lived in friends houses. I was informed that the badly scarred, old war hero, George ‘ Mucker” Dewsberry lived in my house.

Bob Young
Little Thetford

April 2009