The Head Air Raid Precautions (ARP) Warden for Little Thetford during the Second World War was Ralph Kisby.

In September 1935, four years before WW2 began, British Prime Minister, Stanley Baldwin, published a circular entitled Air Raid Precautions (ARP) inviting local authorities to make plans to protect their people in the event of a war. The main job of ARP wardens was to patrol the streets during the blackout and to ensure no light was visible. The ARP Wardens also reported the extent of bomb damage and assess the local need for help from the emergency and rescue services. They were responsible for the handing out of gas masks. There were 1.4 million ARP wardens in Britain, most of who were part time volunteers who had full time day jobs. You could recognise a warden because they wore helmets with a big W on the front.

Wardens helmet

Warden's helmet

Mr Ralph Kisby kept a Wardens Book from 6th June 1940 till 10th May 1943.

They received various Red Warnings in 1941 and 1942 but no major incidents happened till 6th December 1941.

On the 6th and 7th December 1941 the Wardens conducted Operation Scorch simulating events the Parish :-

At 16.00 hours a hostile aeroplane crashed in Reed Fen. The occupants were seen wandering about by the Railway Signal Man at Thetford. Two wardens, Cranwell and Gage, were sent to investigate. They found the pilot and observer, who remained quite until the Home Guard arrived and arrested them.

On the following day 7th December 1941, at 10.30am a shower of Incendiary bombs fell across Thetford Village. The Three Horseshoes Public House was set alight. Following short whistle blasts stirrup pumps  and wardens were assembled. Two wardens were detailed to stirrup pumps on blazing roof. All remainder assisted in the rescue person on ground floor and two elderly people in the upstairs front bedroom. The blaze was brought under control after two more stirrup pumps used.

At 11.30 on 7th December 1941 a 500 lb gas bomb was dropped in Thetford School Yard. Several small tear gas bombs were also found. Respirators put on. Gas rattle sounded Village alarm went off. Special police asked to take over road control and erect gas notices. Persons advised to remain in doors.

Various other simulated events took place during period of WW2.

On 1st May 1943 Ralph Kisby made a list Wardens who given CD authority Identity Cards.

Name                                                          NR Number

Kisby, Herbert Reginald                                       TDAH 68.1

Gage, Victor Morris                                   TDAH 45.1

Royal, John                                                          TDAH 21.3

Cranwell, Basil                                           TDAH 52.3

Royal, Joshua                                             TDAH 21.1

Cox, Albert                                                 TDAH 80.1

Kisby, Ralph Edward                                 TDAH 82.1

Taylor, Ernest                                            TDAH 76.1

Adams, Oliver Claude                                TDAH 3.2

On 1st May 1943 he also made a list of First Aid Personnel who were given CD authority Identity Cards.

Name                                                          NR Number

Kisby, Lorna Marguerite                                      TDAH 82/2

Perry, Maud                                                         TDAH 9/2

Perry, Herbert Robert                                 TDAH 9/1

Kisby, Agnes Maud                                    TDAH 70/2

Taylor, Gwendolen Mary                                     TDAH 8348/39

Kisby, Dorothy                                          TDAH 68/2

Martin, Ida Margery                                   TDAH 66/2

Newell, Edna Mary                                     TDAH81/3

Gillet, Joan Ruby                                        TDAH 25/3

Adams, Maria                                             TDAH 3/3

Smith, Florence                                          TDAH 1/3

Lythell, Stanley                                          TDAH 5/1

Badcock, Evelyn May                                TDAH 5/3

Cox, Lillian Louisa                                     TDAH 80/2

Muncey, Ivy Peace                                               TDAH 2/2

The gas masks were reported on regularly. 250 were issued.

Village photograph 1939, with older Children carrying gas masks

Village photograph 1939, with older Children carrying gas masks

The Three Horseshoes Public House was a popular destination for airmen from Witchford Aerodrome

The Three Horseshoes Public House was a popular destination for airmen from Witchford Aerodrome

Sitting at the front Harry Markham. Sitting behind from left to right airman, airman, Edna Markham, airman, Sharne (from Witchford), Jack Royal. Standing left to right Mrs Markham, Airman, Mrs Liz Presnell, Airman, Violet Markham, airman, unknown, Mrs Ginny Royal, airman, Rose Royal, airman.