Bronze Age, Roman and Saxon
Jewellery from Little Thetford

Two unidentified items
The ring is possibly Bronze Age and may be Ring Money

The other item is unidentified by age or use

Found Bedwell Hey Farm

Roman Chatelaine broochThe bar that would have held the cosmetic implements

Second to third century Roman Jewelry
From left, Dolphin brooch, seal box lid, snakes head ring

All found Bedwell Hey Farm

Incomplete Saxon Brooches, mostly found in association with grave sitesIn this case probably Cratendune but not confirmed

Incomplete Saxon Beads, mostly found in association with grave sitesIn this case probably Cratendune but not confirmed

Two broaches from the Roman period, probably second or third centuary AD. Most likely British made copies of Roman jewelry. There was a production centre at Colchester and that is the most likely place of manufacture.

The one on the left is a Chatelaine broach, and would have had a bar underneath from which would have been hung cosmetic impliments such as tweesers,ear wax scoops and nail cleaners. The spring pin which would have been used to attach it to a cloak or dress is still present on the back.

The one on the right is a plain disc broach of a type that was made over a period of five or six hundred years well into the saxon period and would have been eased to fasten an item of clothing as well as decoration