Lord Haw-Haw was the nickname of several announcers on the English Language propaganda radio program Germany Calling, broadcast by Nazi German radio to audiences in Great Britain on the medium wave station Reichssende Hamburg. The program started on 18 September 1939 and continued until 30 April 1945, when Hamburg was overrun by the British Army. The nickname generally refers to William Joyce, who was German radio’s most prominent English language speaker and to whom it gradually came to be exclusively applied.

In January 1941, Lord Haw Haw, stated that every house in every hamlet and village in the Isle of Ely is to be smashed as a punishment for receiving evacuated Jews. Reported in the Ely Standard, January 1941, a 20 year old girl college student, evacuated to Sutton from London, Kathleen Mary Finch stood before magistrates at Ely Police Court charged with publishing Lord Haw Haw’sstatement. The case was dismissed.

At another time, Lord Haw Haw, reported that the Germans knew why the sails at Stretham windmill had been taken off. The Royal Observer Corp used the windmill for spotting German Planes.

Spotting german planes from the tops of windmills?

Spotting german planes from the tops of windmills?