In 1995 the Cambridge Archaeological unit investigated an Iron Age and Romano-British site they called Watson’s Lane. It is now called Cowslip Drive. (Lucas and Hinman 1996 and Lucas 1998). It was discussed with other sites in the Isle of Ely by Evans et al 2006. The site is located on Kimmeridge and Boulder Clays. The Iron Age settlement consisted of eight round house remains.

The site before Cowslip Drive was built

The site before Cowslip Drive was built

All photographs and diagrams from the Cambridge Archaeological Unit.

The Roman remains are from the second and third century and the site was abandoned in the fourth century. Seven coins from the third and fourth century were found. The site was associated with industrial activity. Most notably was a tile kiln which made structural and roof tiles.

Detail of the site under Cowslip Drive

Detail of the site under Cowslip Drive

The tile kiln is at the western end of the site. At the north-eastern part of the site was a group of inhumation burials (two males and a female) which probably late Roman. The female was wearing hob nail boots and one of the males had been decapitated with his head placed between his legs. Examples of the tiles are given below. One has dog paw prints on which show that dog have a problem here for 2000 years. Pottery was found on the site.

Plan of the excavation site (extension of the features beyond area excavation is based on geophysical data).

Plan of the excavation site

Plan of the excavation site

The excavation plan overlaid onto the aerial photo

The excavation plan overlaid onto the aerial photo

Photograph of Roman tile kiln.

Photograph of Roman tile kiln.

Complete tile and one with paw print.

Complete tile and one with paw print.

Pottery found on Cowslip Drive

Pottery found on Cowslip Drive


Lucas, G and Hinman, 1996, Archaeological Excavations of an Iron Age Settlement and Romano-British Enclosure at Watson’s Lane, Little Thetford, Ely, Cambridgeshire. Post Excavation Assessment Report. Cambridge: CAU Report 194.

Lucas, G, 1998. The Iron Age Settlement at Watson’s Lane, Little Thetford, Ely, Little Thetford, Cambridgeshire: CAU Report 259.

Evans, C., M. Knight and L. Webley, 2006. Iron Age settlement and Romanisation of the Isle of Ely: the Hurst Lane Reservoir site. Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society XCVI pp, 41-78.