Dear All

You will have seen in the last copy of the Village Newsletter an article about producing “A Vision for Little Thetford” a part of the development plan for East Cambs. District Council. This is a reminder that it needs to be completed and submitted by 18 July.

The reason I am urging people to complete this is that it is a timely opportunity to make a point about the A10 junction and any other issues you wish to make. Paper copies are available so if you know someone who would rather complete it this way please get them to make contact with East Cambs. District Council (Tel 665555).

It is an on line document on the East Cambs Website – On their home page select L from the alphabetical list at the top then scroll down to Local Development Framework – open that and then scroll down to Little Thetford Village Vision open it & complete the online questionnaire or you can print a paper copy (PDF file – questionnaire) and post it.

Thank you

Jennifer Staines

From the Newsletter …

Help to produce a ‘Vision’ for your village. East Cambridgeshire District Council is looking for your views on how Little Thetford should change or improve in the future. A questionnaire will be available for people’s comments from 27 June 2011. Comments should be returned by 18 July 2011. See village newsletter for details.