The area around Little Thetford is rich in wildlife and the variety of species is increasing. Bedwell Hey farm which is situated to the North and West of the village has been recording sightings for the last five years after signing up for a Government sponsored scheme to increase habitat by sympathetic hedge and ditch management and planting grassy areas around fields with areas of winter feed crops for the benefit of birds. Some of the cost for this work is paid for under the Countryside Stewardship Scheme which diverts funds from the EU Agricultural Support Scheme.

A bird survey by the RSPB was undertaken in 2005 which recorded 50 species during the breeding season and a further 25 species have been recorded through the remainder of the year. A new study is being undertaken in 2010 to see if the habitat changes have resulted in an increase in number and variety of birds. From observations during the five year period it would seem that numbers of finches increased in years 1 to 3 but since then the numbers of raptors has increased and the flocks of green and gold finches have dispersed. As well as greater numbers of sparrow hawks and kestrels we are now seeing buzzards, harriers and even red kites which were not present 5 years ago.

There are also increasing numbers of mammals and muntjack, roe and even red deer are now commonly seen as are hares, badgers and foxes.

The farm has always supported breeding barn owls and the boxes are monitored by the Hawk and Barn Owl Trust and between 8 and 14 owlets have been ringed every year. [ Update: June 2010 ]

All of the photos on the following pages have been taken within 2 miles of the village centre by John Parish.