Flint Tools of Little Thetford
5 excellent examples of Neolithic and late Neolithic flint tools, knives and blades.

Beaker Flint Dagger Finding
Late Neolithic Flint Dagger found at Little Thetford (29 April 2010). Attributed to the Beaker Period 1900 BC to 1500BC.

Stone Age Axes found locally
Stone Age Axes found in Little Thetford, and in Witchford.


Little Thetford Fleshhook : (PDF file 2.5 Mb)
Discovered in both N. Ireland and Little Thetford, flesh-hooks are extremly rare examples of Bronze Age objects.

Little Thetford Bronze Sword
The Bronze Age sword found in Little Thetford.

Bronze Age Axes found in Little Thetford
Bronze Age Axes recently found in Little Thetford

Swan’s Neck Sun Pin
Swan’s Neck Sun Pin Found in Little Thetford.

Little Thetford’s Bronze Age Causeway
Details on the discovery of a large Bronze Age Causeway in 1932.

Bronze Age Spear Head
Spear Head found at Paradise Farm


Iron Age and Romano-British site on Cowslip Drive
Cowslip Drive is built on the site of an old Iron Age and Romano-British site


Neolithic to Roman Fishing weights

Bronze Roman Rams Head artefact
Bronze Roman Rams Head artefact found in Little Thetford.

Curse tablets and other finds Discovered close to the site of Harimere Chapel.


Gold finds in Little Thetford
Including a stunning pendant and an example of gold ring-money.

Bronze Age, Roman and Saxon Jewellery
Including brooches, ring-money, rings and beads


The history of Ely from the 7th – 12th century


Little Thetford Records : (PDF file, 437 Kb)
Information on the local historic digs and finds. The PDF download is very detailed.

Archaeological Investigations, Witchford
Details of a 2009 archaeological excavation near Witchford, Ely

Aerial Photograph of Little Thetford
Aerial photograph taken in 1985.